Tour Announcement USA West Coast – The Extreme Tour 2022

  Tour Announcement! We make it official. “The Extreme Tour USA West Coast in September 2022”   It’s been a long time since we did something that looked like a “tour”. But here we are. Our band is ready. Rocking harder than ever. Playing our classic tunes such as “Faith …

“Nabeshima” is released!!

  We have waited for this moment for years. The ultimate Japanese Christian metal album, “Nabeshima” is now released!! This is Japanese Traditional Christian Metal. Something the world has never heard before. We are very happy now that it’s released. We are very proud of it. And we are very …

Recording Nabeshima finished

    On 28th February, we finished recording all the material for our special “Nabeshima” album. The last thing I did was singing “Iroha-uta”, the ancient Japanese poetry. Admittedly, I have sacrificed many things to make this album, including our long time lineup (Tone, Hassy, Jake) that ended in 2018. …

New Lineup Announcement Video!! ex.Anthem drummer!?(Black Hole to be exact)

Here is a message movie introducing our new lineup.   Also please refer to the press release we issued a couple of days ago, if you have’t checked it yet.   It’s official! Since the departure of the long time bassist Hassy and the drummer Jake, Tak, guitarist&singer, has …

New Lineup Announcement!!

  For immediate release Yokohama, Japan – July 5th, 2019 Japanese Christian metal band Imari Tones announces the new lineup of the band featuring ex.Anthem (Black Hole) drummer   Japanese Christian heavy metal band Imari Tones is pleased to announce that they started their activity officially with the new lineup. …

First Gig with the new lineup

  Our first gig with the new lineup is booked!! 28th April 2019 at Misono Baptist Church, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. (Detail in English below) クリスチャンメタルバンド伊万里音色(Imari Tones)、新しいメンバーでリハーサルを重ねておりますが、初めてのライブが決定しました。 4月28日(日)御園バプテスト教会(小田急相模原、神奈川県相模原市)で行われるライブイベントOver The Rainbowに参加させていただくことになりました。 詳細は以下になります。 OVER THE RAINBOW Vol.13 4月28日(日) Start18:00 前売1000円 当日1500円 (前売は取り置き可能ですのでメッセージ、コメント等でご連絡下さい) 出演: B.D.Badge、STREAM、トライアンファント・バイブルチャーチ・ワーシップ・バンド、Dragon Cry、伊万里音色 場所: 小田急相模原御園バプテスト教会!/Access.html Facebookイベントページはこちらになります。   新メンバーの初めての人前での演奏になります。 初めてというのは、一度しかありません。 ぜひ見に来て下さい。 …

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