Nabeshima is now complete


On May 9th Saturday 2020, we have finished the mastering work of “Nabeshima” album.
24 songs double album, Ultimate Christian Metal with Japanese traditional music, is here. Lyrics are half English half Japanese.

Again, my hands have been tied for this. I had to focus on this until the moment “Nabeshima” is complete. I could not update our social media for a while.


I have said this before but again, we have sacrificed many things for this important album. Time, money, opportunities and our long time lineup even.

But I can say we have been doing everything last 10 years to eventually make this ultimate Japanese Christian heavy metal.
Result is superb. I can assure that.


Now I can say “Nabeshima” is finished.
Of course we will fix some things here and there before release, but I can say it is finished.
So even if I will accidentally die next week, virus or car crush or anything, you will have this “Nabeshima” album.

Maybe I will take some rest. Listening to what we have done last 10 years and this newly made “Nabeshima” album.

But after that, I will be online and posting things more often.
It takes much more work and preparation until we can release this important album. (Realistically I expect the release sometime in 2021.)

It’s time for us to go out in the world and tell people what we have done.


Well, when I made the first demo of “Nabeshima” back in 2016, I set my personal deadline which was to make this “Nabeshima” before the Tokyo Olympics 2020. I think I made it, since I finished it just before the Summer of 2020. But the funny thing is the Olympics itself was now postponed. So my next goal will be I will release this album before the Tokyo Olympics happens?


Thank you very much for your support.
Thank you Jesus for guiding us.
We could not have come this far without your help.

Tone / Imari Tones


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