One Sheep music video


Today we have posted a new music video on the internet.
The song is called “One Sheep” (or “一匹の羊” in Japanese).

Let me tell you about the song and the video.


Firstly, let me tell you why we made this song.

We are going to release an “Acoustic EP” soon.
I’m not sure if I told you here on our blog (oh yes I did), but we decided to make this Acoustic EP because we wanted to release something official in 2020.


As you already know, because of A)Our drummer Koji is currently not playing due to his shoulder issue, B)COVID-19 social situation, we are currently not playing live and we are not playing as a band.

So this “Acoustic EP” is something temporary and we did it with our “Temporary Duo Style”.

It’s different from our usual Heavy Metal / Hard Rock music style, but I think it was worth making.

Because it gave us an opportunity to make another statement as a Japanese Christian band.


The songs in the EP were written and sung in Japanese language.
That was a joy to us, honestly. Because we had one more opportunity (after “Overture” album that was also sung in Japanese) to make Christian message songs for Japanese people.

At the same time, I’m a bit worried about how people outside of Japan would react. (Because in reality, at least at this point, majority of our fans are from overseas)

I’m also feeling nervous because it’s different, musical wise and style wise, from our usual Christian Heavy Metal style.


This song “One Sheep” is an “indie rock” song.
I don’t know how to say it in English.
It’s more of “stylish” “indie pop” “chill” “fancy” type song.

Maybe this song should be on our “Side Project”.
(Because we have been planning for this “indie rock” side project for years.)

But the lyrics we wrote, had a great Christian message. So we wanted to do it on Imari Tones’ platform.

For the lyrics, apparently, this song is influenced by the lost sheep story from the Bible. (Matthew chapter18, Luke chapter15)


Probably people will be surprised to hear this song. Especially for people that expect heavy metal songs from us.

However, as a “Japanese Christian Band”, we are very happy and proud of this song.


Now this is a very cute song.
And we made a video and it is cute, too.

It’s a home-brew video but I think it turned out good.
If you understand the Japanese lyrics, probably this song will make you cry (especially when accompanied with the chord progression and a cute animal movie).

This “sheep” doll (stuffed animal) actually is supposed to be an alpaca. But we think he is cute and he is the star of this video.

We hope you will like it and we hope it will make you smile (or cry).


One thing I’d like to add is, I recommend sharing the song with your Japanese friends. We think this song and the lyrics are very friendly and it has strong-yet-heart-warming Christian message.

I really want our Japanese friends to hear the song.


Here is the English translation of the lyrics.


Looking for a lost sheep
Waling down a road at night
At home we still have 99 sheep
Warm and safe with a fireplace

Why am I walking alone in the dark

Just one little sheep
I wonder if he is in any danger
I can’t help but blame myself

What if he fell off from a cliff
what if he is eaten by a wolf
I have all the things needed
But I feel like I have lost everything

We are God’s children
It’s not His will that one of us should perish
Now it’s time for us to pray

That little one is just like me
I didn’t even realize he meant so much to me
I desperately want him to come back
Even if I have to give everything else

Just one little sheep
What a surprise I found him here
I couldn’t help but worry
What if he is lost and in trouble
What if he is lonely and crying
There is only one like you
I feel like the whole world is saved

We are God’s children
He never forsake any of us
Angels are jumping in joy

Now everything is alright
How wonderful it is to be in Love of God
Oh please, don’t get lost again


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