New song! “Repent” music video

We are finally here!
This is a first upload from our concept album “Jesus Wind”, to be released in 2017.
Titled “Repent”, this is a very straightforward Christian heavy metal song. Obviously some of the words are taken from the book of Revelation.
Video shooting was done at a Japanese traditional “Noh” theater in Yokohama.
Feel the vibe. This is where Christianity and Japanese Traditional Art collide, as well as Heavy Metal music and Faith.
日本のクリスチャンヘヴィメタルバンド、Imari Tones (伊万里音色)が放つ、決定版とも言うべき直球のヘヴィメタルチューン。その名も”Repent” (悔い改めよ)。
これは我々が今年2017年にリリース予定のコンセプトアルバム”Jesus Wind”からの最初のアップロードとなります。



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