New EP (Dakeno Kakari)

  New release alert! It’s not Imari Tones though. It’s a new EP from “Dakeno Kakari”, our side project.   Dakeno Kakari’s 2nd EP, titled “Hypothesis”, will be released soon. Actually it’s already released on Bandcamp.   “Dakeno Kakari” is a side project by Tone & Marie. It’s a …

Bloody Messiah -Japanese Christian message song

  We have released a new music video from our “Bloody Acoustic” EP. (This is 2nd video from the EP, after “One Sheep” music video released earlier.) This song is called “Bloody Messiah”. It’s a Japanese song with strong Christian messages. (If you don’t know, we are/were singing mainly in …

Bloody Acoustics EP released!!

  New release announcement!! We have released a new EP “Bloody Acoustics” today. It’s a 4-song-EP with (mainly) acoustic sounds.   This “Bloody Acoustics” EP is, something unexpected. I wrote this in our social media and blog posts before but let me explain why we decided to release this “Acoustic” …

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