Words of Grace (new song)

  Our good friend Patrick asked us to write an “ending theme song” for his YouTube channel (Notes of Grace -focusing on Christian message). It was good timing to see/hear what things sound like in the church recording environment. So we made this song before the album recording. Here’s the …

New Side Project

  Let me tell you about our new side project. It is called “Dakeno Kakari”. And we just posted the very first song for the project on YouTube.   The song is here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0RfE7ZiomY   And the website is here. https://dakenokakari.com/   It’s not a heavy metal band. I don’t …

Sakura Day Japanese Love Song Music Video

We made another music video from “Nabeshima” album. It’s a seasonal thing. Because it’s a Sakura song and the Spring time (Sakura season in Japan) will arrive soon. So we made this music video quickly. We had to do it, because it’s Sakura season, and because this song seems like …

New song “Passion” released

  New single “Passion” is now released on those digital music stores. Also the music video is released.   “Passion” is the 1st single from our upcoming “Nabeshima” album. (Album release date July 6th) It’s a Japanese Traditional Christian Metal song. As a Christian musician from Japan, we always asked …

Bloody Messiah -Japanese Christian message song

  We have released a new music video from our “Bloody Acoustic” EP. (This is 2nd video from the EP, after “One Sheep” music video released earlier.) This song is called “Bloody Messiah”. It’s a Japanese song with strong Christian messages. (If you don’t know, we are/were singing mainly in …

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