Heavy Metal Church in Japan


We want to create a ‘Heavy Metal Church’ in Japan.


This might be the most significant announcement we’ve made as a band. And perhaps the most important mission that God has given us.


We’ve been playing Christian Heavy Metal in Japan. We have made so much music independently. We toured domestically and internationally. (We wanna do it more!)

It was a tough road.


However, recently, we realized that God has given us a very important mission.

That is: To build a heavy metal church in Japan.


At first it was a joke.
However, each time we talked about it, we noticed that it was a real dream hidden deep in our hearts.

Each time we said that word, we were amazed by the overwhelmingly positive reactions from people.


We are very excited about this. Imagine if there was a Heavy Metal Church in Japan.

Are you excited too?


It’s official. We say it loud and clear.
Our goal is to build a heavy metal church in Japan.
That is our goal as a band.

That’s the mission we’ll pursue for the rest of our lives.


This dream encompasses everything we desire. Musical pursuits, deepening our faith, building a community, spreading God’s word, working for Japan, and working for the Kingdom of God.

Yes it means building God’s Kingdom.


So far we have heard that there is a heavy metal church in Brazil. We also know there is one in Dayton OH. (Well, Shinryu actually went there this summer.) Someone told us there was one in Europe.

But in Japan, we don’t have one yet.
That’s why we have to do this.


We will start small.
It might be a small start in a small church.

But for some reasons, God has given an opportunity to us.
We don’t hesitate. We are determined that this is our most important task.


Let’s do this together. We truly rely on your support.

We believe in God’s guidance. Thank you Jesus, for giving us this wonderful mission!



  1. Jon Lockett

    Wow what an announcement.I’m very happy for you and that your goal goes even beyond making great Christian Rock and Metal Albums.You may even end up pastoring this church Tak?The most famous and original Christian Metal church was of course Sanctuary in California b.1985.Now Bob Beeman runs Sanctuary International from the Nashville TN area.There was also such a church in Colombia called Pantokrator (not to confuse with the band) but sadly it kind of disbanded.But Sanctuary Int.is testimony to how long-lasting such a mission can be.As far as I’m aware Pastor Bob is still going strong with it even though now he must be in his early seventies,how cool is that?

    • Tone

      Hi Jon. It was great to see you finally in Japan last month. Now I can call you a good friend of ours. Thank you for information and advice. The event last month was the start for our “heavy metal church” project and you were there. Please keep praying for God’s guidance!

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