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We’ve been so busy!

But so far, the first half of 2024 has been awesome. What a blessed time we have had!


We’ve been so busy that we didn’t even have time to post thank you messages about our concerts. We haven’t posted about our “Heavy Metal Church” event that took place at the end of March.


After that, we had a very special concert in Toyohashi, Aichi. It was also a very emotional moment for some personal reasons. (Mainly because Toyohashi is Tak&Marie’s hometown.)


And we played this very blessed church concert at IEQ (Kakegawa, Shizuoka). It was an international environment because IEQ was a Japanese-Brazilian church. We were very happy because we were able to share our love through music. Our performance was top-notch, in spite of playing in the morning. (Singing heavy metal at 10:30AM!!)


And… last week we had another event happen at our “Heavy Metal Church”. A major film company from the UK came to film our event… it was a part of a documentary film… of one of the biggest metal bands in the world. (Unfortunately we can’t say their name yet.) They filmed our “metal worship” performance and interviewed Pastor Ogino, the metalhead pastor at our “Heavy Metal Church Japan”. It was a blessing and another step forward to our dream: Build a Heavy Metal Church in Japan.


We had a nice run with Antidemon, playing several shows together. It was great to have the legendary band from Brazil. They are an internationally respected Christian metal band. It was a really encouraging experience. Seeing them and becoming friends with them. Maybe there will be a Brazil tour for us in the future? (Let’s be hopeful!)


Yes we will tour in the United States in July. This summer July. Mainly in the South. Hot summer July in the South. Maybe too hot but that’s the only timing possible for us. We will announce the tour dates officially soon…
So far, we have Texas, Tennessee, and possibly some Ohio/Pennsylvania are too.


We are preparing for the release of our long-awaited “Best Of” album. It’s a big thing, right? Right??!!
We are trying our best to make sure we have a proper PR campaign for the album.


Also also…
Our new album “Coming Back Alive”, now in the final stage of mixing work. Probably next month, we will do the mastering work and the album will be done. (Finally)
It sounds good. Will it be our best album ever? Well, every album we made is our best. But this new album is fun, friendly, accessible, straightforward, happy, hopeful, and heartwarming. And we are proud to say this is a Christian album. We are a Christian metal band from Japan, singing a straightforward message about Jesus.
At this point we don’t know when it will be released. But it’s worth the wait!


2nd photo is not from Imari Tones. It is from the gig where Tak sang for our good friends from Tokyo Metal Club. Wow, was he singing for another band, in addition to his own? No wonder we have been busy!


We will take time and post each event, hopefully soon.

We will keep you posted about our adventures this summer and beyond!

Keep on rocking and God bless you!


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