

Happy New Year 2022!!

It’s funny because we say this on every social media on January 1st, like, 0:03AM.
But here on the website we say this again.


Last year 2021 was an important year for us.
We started out with the new lineup, with our awesome new drummer Shinryu. (We don’t call him “new drummer” anymore)

We released a very important album “Nabeshima”, on which we had worked on for years. (“Nabeshima” was the reason, if you ask me, I decided to go separate ways with Hassy&Jake, our 10-years-long lineup.)

We made many music videos and did online streaming shows. We tried so many new things.

Also it’s important we played “Japanese traditional” music, based on Japanese traditional spirit.
We are a Christian band with a Christian message. But at the same time, we play our songs with Japanese spirit.
In 2021, we learned so much from Japanese culture and history, and we finally became a “Japanese traditional rock band”.



So what’s our plan for 2022?

We should tell you about touring.
Because touring is very important for an indie band like us.

Since Shinryu joined the band, to tour oversea is one of our plans.

Maybe we will tour in USA. Maybe we will tour somewhere in Europe. Or we will tour in some countries in Asia.


However, the pandemic situation was still bad and we decided it’s not the right time to tour.
That was our decision in 2021.

We hoped we would be able to tour in 2022.


And now, at this point, January 2022.
We still don’t see the light in a dark tunnel.
We still don’t see much possibility for touring overseas.

Because the pandemic situation is not getting better yet.

Maybe for some major bands, it is possible.
But for an indie band like us, there is so much risk for touring overseas at this point. There are so many risk factors.

So at this point, we can’t make a plan for touring.

But as soon as we see possibility, we will try out best.


On the other hand, maybe we will be able to do some exciting stuff on the internet.
Probably technology will help us communicate better online?
Can we do some metaverse concert?

Only God knows what is good or bad.
We will try our best to entertain you.

And we will make something beautiful.


For recording and making new music, we definitely want to do that this year.

We want to start working on new record.
I can’t tell you what the next record will be like but at this point, but our plan is to make a friendly, accessible, classic rock record. Something like we did on “Japan Metal Jesus” and “Victory In Christ” back then.

But before that, probably we can make an EP real quick. Because I wrote so many songs for our Patreon project between 2020-2021. We can pick some good songs there and record some additional stuff. That will buy us some time and also please our fans.

And of course we want to make more music videos and play more live streaming shows.


Also, we are talking about some secret project behind the curtain.
It’s a totally new challenge for us.
I don’t know how it’s gonna turn out, but we will let you know when we are ready.
It will be something extraordinary, if things go well.


Everything is in God’s hands.
We pray blessings to all of you.
In Jesus’ name.


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