Shimabara Rebellion Book


Shout out to Kyle Bray, who wrote the book “The Shimabara Rebellion”.
I was very surprised and honored at the same time to see this book is inspired by our album “Jesus Wind”.

“Jesus Wind” is a concept album about Japanese Christian History. It’s a heavy metal album based on the facts and legends, spiritual and prophetic. Arguably the best album so far from Imari Tones. (Until, we release “Nabeshima” in the near future. wink)


But now he wrote the book about Ancient Japanese Christians. It’s a half-fictional story about Shimabara Rebelion, that took place in 1637-1638 in Japan.

It’s a story about persecuted Christians, fighting for their faith.
It’s based on the historic event but it’s also a fantasy story. It’s almost like Star Wars in Ancient Japan, or Narnia meets Japan, so to speak. Samurai fighting robots and dragons. It is very cool.


We are an indie band but because of Christian Faith and God’s Grace, we can share this passion with people from all over the world.

When people tell us they like our music, we are very glad. But when someone gets inspired and make their own art, it’s a great happiness for us.


Thank you very much, Kyle. It’s an encouragement to all the people working/fighting for God everywhere on this planet.

Check it out here on Amazon.


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