What is Nabeshima?? – The Road To Nabeshima ep5


For a while, I’ve been mentioning this special music called “Nabeshima”.

So what is “Nabeshima”??
What is so special about it?

It’s about the origin of this band. Also about the ancient Japanese porcelain art: Imari pottery.

I want you to know that “Nabeshima” is the ultimate music from Imari Tones and it’s going to be very special.

This video was recorded last year (November 2018) and some things I’m saying (such as band members) are not timely. Sorry for being slow. It just took so long for me to upload this one.


Here’s what I’m saying in the movie.

“Road To Nabeshima vol.5”

What is Nabeshima?


Hi, this is Tak from Imari Tones, Japanese Christian metal band.
This is my new YouTube series, called “The Road To Nabeshima”.

So far, I told you about what we did in the last 10 years. Touring in USA, touring in Japan, playing Christian Rock and made so many friends.


This year March, I went separate ways with my bassist and drummer, who I had been playing with for 10 years.
and we have made one last album titled “Overture”, which is actually the first Christian album we wrote all the songs in Japanese language.

Also I mentioned the music called “Nabeshima”.
“Nabeshima” is, to me, the ultimate musical goal in my life.
My next job, and current priority, is to make this “Nabeshima” music.

So today, let me tell you about that.


So what is “Nabeshima”?
In order to explain that, I have to talk about the origin of this band.

You know, our band is called “Imari Tones”.

If you read the history of our band which you can read on our website, you might already know, but, this band name “Imari Tones” was named after porcelain art.

Imari is the name of Japanese traditional porcelain, from old age, such as 17th century. We named our band after the porcelain art.

That was because, the Imari porcelain was being exported to European countries and the beauty of it was highly appreciated there.

We named our band this way, because originally we wanted to make Japanese music that would be appreciated all over the world.


Later, for some reasons, we became a Christian band.

Porcelain is made from clay. So it made perfect sense with the Bible words, Second Corinthians chapter4 verse7 which says we are “Clay Jars”.

So we make art from Jars of Clay.

and “Nabeshima” is the name of this Imari porcelain.


“Nabeshima” is said to be the best part of Imari porcelain.

“Nabeshima” was being made in the later period of Imari porcelain, and it had very special artistic quality.

While some of the popular Imari porcelain, such as “Kakiemon” are being know for their colorful paintings, “Nabeshima” is different. Very different style.
It has more simplistic, almost like monochrome character.

However, if you look closer, it has super deep, multi dimensional, infinite layered beauty.

When I saw the “Nabeshima” porcelain for the first time, I was deeply moved and felt like when I heard the Led Zeppelin’s Presence album for the first time.

That was when I decided, someday when I write music like this, someday when I make my best music, I would call it “Nabeshima”.

So, making Nabeshima was our goal, almost like destiny, since the day we started making music.


Fast forward 10 years and even more, finally we wrote the music we can say “This is the best”. like “This is the ultimate style”.

In summer of 2016, just after we finished recording “Jesus Wind” album, I made a bunch of demo tracks and selected 24 songs out of them.

That was, to us, the Ultimate Japanese Christian Metal we had always been looking for.


For years, we had been playing Christian heavy metal to the international audience.
But we had always been wondering “What is the Christian Metal for Japanese people?”
This “Nabeshima” music is our answer for that question.


“Nabeshima” is Christian heavy metal based on Japanese traditional music.
Lyrics are half Japanese, half English.
This is definitely the highest level of music we have ever written.
This is the Japanese Christian Metal we have always wanted to play.


This “Nabeshima” project is going to be a double album.
We are planning to record 24 songs.

But, let me tell you, this is a very difficult, tough challenge for us.
Because our band has been broken up since March this year.

So we have a long hard way ahead to make this “Nabeshima”.
We need your help. We need your support.
That’s why I decided to start this YouTube series called “The Road To Nabeshima”.

I’m thinking.
I’m wondering.
I’m thinking about,
when, where, how and with who, we should make “Nabeshima”.

Are Japanese musicians willing to play this Christian music?
Will international fans appreciate this Japanese traditional stuff?
and how can I find the right musicians, new members for this band?

In fact, I have already started jamming with some bassists and drummers.
But I don’t know if it will work.

So I need your prayer.

Please pray for us, so that God will guide us to the right way.

So that I can make a right decision.


Thank you very much.
Keep on rocking for Jesus.
God bless you all.


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