Words of Grace (new song)

  Our good friend Patrick asked us to write an “ending theme song” for his YouTube channel (Notes of Grace -focusing on Christian message). It was good timing to see/hear what things sound like in the church recording environment. So we made this song before the album recording. Here’s the …

Bloodthirsty – Dedicated to Hideki Yoshimura

  This song is dedicated to Hideki Yoshimura, the singer/guitarist from the legendary Japanese alternative rock band Bloodthirsty Butchers. (1967-2013) The message in this song is very personal. This song is one of the less popular songs on Nabeshima album. But because of the message, I had to do this …

New EP (Dakeno Kakari)

  New release alert! It’s not Imari Tones though. It’s a new EP from “Dakeno Kakari”, our side project.   Dakeno Kakari’s 2nd EP, titled “Hypothesis”, will be released soon. Actually it’s already released on Bandcamp. https://dakenokakari.bandcamp.com/   “Dakeno Kakari” is a side project by Tone & Marie. It’s a …

Sengoku Christians Music Video

We made a new music video! Here is the information.   Sengoku Christians (戦国キリシタン) Samurai Faith Music Video   Imari Tones are trying to combine Japanese traditional legacy, Christianity, and heavy metal music. Their latest album “Nabeshima” is a result of that effort. This song is called “Sengoku Christians”. Maybe …

Sakura Day Japanese Love Song Music Video

We made another music video from “Nabeshima” album. It’s a seasonal thing. Because it’s a Sakura song and the Spring time (Sakura season in Japan) will arrive soon. So we made this music video quickly. We had to do it, because it’s Sakura season, and because this song seems like …

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