

To me, there is no such thing as lifestyle. There is only a life of a sinner. That’s all I have. That means I need help. But I have Jesus. Right here with me. That’s not a lifestyle. That is grace. That is forgiveness. I can’t explain nor I don’t have to. Because He loves you. ポエムを投稿したかったものだから。。。いや、ごめん、ほんとごめん。 #runningwiththedevil #walkwithjesus #highwaytohell #stairwaytoheaven #christianlife #life #lifestyle #sinner #grace #forgiveness #jesus #jesuslovesyou #gospel #worstselfieever #風呂上がり #ポエム #ごめん #罪人 #救済 #救い #信仰 #ジーザス #キリスト教 #全開ナルシズム

Imari Tones(@imaritones)がシェアした投稿 –


Ah, sorry.
I’m a big fan of Brett Anderson since I was a teenager.
And this probably is the best photo of me that looks like him in his early Suede days.
Had to post this.
But I think I like this poem I wrote.


“To me, there is no such thing as lifestyle.
There is only a life of a sinner. That’s all I have.
That means I need help.
But I have Jesus. Right here with me.
That’s not a lifestyle.
That is grace. That is forgiveness.
I can’t explain nor I don’t have to.
Because He loves you.”


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