How To Change The World With Rock Music

  Tak has started a new YouTube channel and a podcast/videocast. It’s called “How To Change The World With Rock Music”.   It’s funny. Because I mean, who believes that you can change the world with rock music in 2024? But I’m serious. It’s about the final destination of Rock’n’roll …


      この投稿をInstagramで見る To me, there is no such thing as lifestyle. There is only a life of a sinner. That’s all I have. That means I need help. But I have Jesus. Right here with me. That’s not a lifestyle. That is grace. That is forgiveness. I can’t …

Something bigger

      この投稿をInstagramで見る I believe in freedom. You might be surprised but I still believe in democracy. That means, some people have opinion A, some people have opinion B, (and I have opinion C) and I’m totally happy with it. There I still believe in something bigger guiding all …

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