“Victory In Christ” now available!!!

Hi, this is Tak “Tone” Nakamine from Imari Tones, the first Christian heavy metal band from Japan. Today I’m glad to annouce to you that our new record “Victory In Christ” is now available on iTunes (and other digital retailers). http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/victory-in-christ/id399151638 Let me tell you a little bit about this …

Rock, Faith, Anime Tour, April 2009

Hi, this is Tak “Tone” from IMARi ToNES. ハイ、イマリトーンズの、Takです。 Yes it’s official. We are going to USA and play some gigs in this coming April. Here is the schedule confirmed so far. そうです、オフィシャルな発表です。 私たちはこの4月にアメリカに行って、いくつかライヴをします。 これが現在まで確定したスケジュールです。   “Rock, Faith, Anime Tour 2009” April 5th (Sun) International Christian Church, Dallas TX (This …

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