Can we play progressive rock?


I was wondering if we could post this here but we do it anyway because it’s an interesting story.


Here’s what I said before playing the song “Lord’s Prayer”, a very Christian worship song with a progressive rock song structure.

[This is a progressive Christian worship rock song. I hope you don’t mind putting “progressive” and “Christian” in the same sentence. It’s just a music style.]


Back when we released this song, we called it “progressive Christian rock song” and some people became angry, saying there’s no such thing as progressive Christian.

We didn’t know what they meant because in Japan Christian people are often considered politically progressive. (Mainly because many of conservative people are Shintoist/Buddhist here)


So that’s why we say this kind of joke before playing this song.
We don’t mean anything political. It’s just a music style.
And we want to give you all kinds of awesome music including progressive rock.


I believe Jesus and His salvation is all about repentance and forgiveness.
It has nothing to do with human politics. No matter what your political view is, you still need Jesus. We are all sinners and we are all same.


We just want to bring God’s Love to people. All kinds of people. Just like the Bible says it is not the healthy people who need a doctor, but the sick.

And we believe there’s some people only bands like us can reach.


(On the other hand, we also do our “Freedom” (自由=Jee-You) performance everywhere we go. Japanese band preaching American traditional values. Isn’t it funny?)


If you are curious here’s the album version of this song.
It features hard rock riffs, R&B rhythm, jazz chord progression and Steve Vai-esque guitar solo.



“Our music has both conservative and progressive element. We love both because music is awesome when different elements combined😉”


Thank you and God bless you!

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