Christian Samurai Drummer is here


We have some happy news to share with you.
It’s a small but very happy announcement.
It’s personal. But something we can celebrate together.


Today we are jumping of joy.

– Because it was first band rehearsal in a long time. (More than 2 months)
– Because Shinryu has come back from “Samurai Tour USA”. (He became very popular in the Midwest. Check his Instagram to see his adventure.)


And last but not least.

– Because now, all three of us, Tak, Marie, and Shinryu, are baptized Christians.

Yes, for the first time in our band history, now all of our band members are officially Christian.


We thought it was impossible in Japan.
(How can you find all the right musicians in a country where Christian population is only 1%?)

But it happened.
It’s awesome.

God is great.
Yes. God is great. We can say that loudly.


We say thank you very much for your prayer for Shinryu.
Now he is officially “Christian Samurai Drummer”.
Very special warrior of God from the land of the rising sun.

(We also say thank you to Shinryu’s best friend Funky Sunday Party)


We feel very blessed.
And we feel everything is possible.

Maybe we can change the world.
Maybe it’s not us. With God’s help, we can change the world.

Our new adventure begins here.
Thank you very much for your prayer.

God bless you!!!

(And we have a concert in Osaka, on August 20th, at Umeda Hardrain!)





Open 18:30 / Start19:00
adv¥2,000 door¥2,500(いずれもドリンク別)

Imari Tonesの出番は3番目のトリ。おそらく20:40頃。






  1. Jon Lockett

    Wonderful news that Shinryu is baptised.I’ll never forget my baptism in SE Wales in April 1994 (Easter Sunday).”Very special warrior of God from the land of the rising sun”.I love that description and mention of Japan’s nickname.What you have been doing recently and in the next 2 months or so AND my plan to visit Japan in October are inspiring a song in me.I won’t give the title yet (Copyright,I don’t want anyone else to steal it) but it’s a re-wording of land of the rising sun.
    So this news and this post is the perfect tie-in to my visit and my song.I chose not to put “rising sun” in the title ,it’d be cliche ,and earlier on the album is a song with “risen Son” in it.

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