Live at Fire Fest

This is Imari Tones – Live at Fire Fest – Front Row View – September 3rd 2022 Stevenson WA USA


We played this Christian music festival on September 3rd 2022.
Fire Fest – Stevenson WA – It was called X-Fest until last year.

It was a memorable and even emotional moment for us, because the last time we played this festival it was 10 years ago. (2012 with our long-time Tone-Hassy-Jake lineup. Marie was there but she was not a bass player yet.)

Even though it had been 10 years, we had a warm welcome and saw some familiar faces.
It was a great blessing.
We played 2 shows at the festival.


This movie is from our first night at the festival.
Front row view, a very good quality movie for the first 3 songs of the show.

Even though it’s only 3 songs, it represents our band very much. It will show you what Imari Tones is all about.

It was our very first show on this tour (The Extreme Tour 2022). But it was one of the best performances we did on the tour, because we had a nice stage and somewhat longer set. (The Extreme Tour is all about missionary work, not necessarily about bands and stages.)


We hope you will enjoy the performance.
And we hope more people will discover this unique band, the Christian metal band from Japan, that plays classic style hard rock in an entertaining way – with a genuine message of Faith and Hope.


Set List of the show
1. Faith Rider
2. Unlimit
3. Not Of This World
4. Truth
5. The Garden
6. God Anthem
7. Repent

This front row view movie contains only first 3 songs.
We have a video for the whole set – but not in good quality.
Nonetheless, we will post the movie of the entire set sometime somewhere (on our YouTube channel probably).


Thank you very much!
God bless you!


the title photo is cool so I put it here



  1. Jon Lockett

    I really enjoy watching and hearing this performance.I love the guitar tone especially when the camera moves up close to you Tak and the full effect comes through from the amp.I’d love to see the video of the other 4 songs too even if not as good quality as these 3.Any chance you will post them here on your site.?With my outdated browser I cannot access YouTube for now.(I also like the way the cameraman frequently covers Marie and Shinryu too so we hear bass and drums clearly often.)

    • Tone

      Hi Jon. I’m glad you liked my guitar tone. We have many videos from the USA tour. It’s just we are too busy to post them on the internet. One by one we will post them on YouTube. I try to post them here too.

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