Kodomo Metal

“Kodomo Metal”

Recorded in April-October 1999
Download available at iTunes, Amazon and Bandcamp
Streaming available at Spotify, Apple Music and other services
CD available at Bandcamp


2:I Am Your Teddy Bear
4:Soft Song
5:Dreams of Bacteria
6:I’m a fish
8:Big World
10:Love Opens Your Eyes
11:Curtain at 2PM
13:Guitar House


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Recorded in 1999 summer, this is 3rd recording effort by Tak “Tone” Nakamine, who back then didn’t have a name for his music project yet. After learning recording technique with his previous works, Tak put all of his musical inspiration to this record. This is an explosion of young talent and this is the ultimate style of “Home Recording Rock”.

“Kodomo Metal” means “Metal for Kids”. But this is not an ordinary heavy metal. Very unique music styles are featured in this album. “Minorities”, “Sou”, and “Kosei”, if you listen to those songs and you will see what I’m talking about. Some people say this is still the Best album of IMARi ToNES.

1980’s style rock tune “Big World” is still being played live as of 2010. (This songs later appears in “Japanese Pop” album as “New World” with English lyrics.)

All songs are sung in Japanese. Drum tracks played by drum machine. Album cover is a picture of Teddy Bears, trying to make it look like a children’s book.


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