Can we really release the best album?


I think I have said we are planning the “Best Of” album, in the last couple of months on our social media channels.

At first I thought we could release it right away because the songs were already there, but it’s taking longer than we thought. Maybe it would take some more time.


The reason mostly is because we are an independent band doing things on our own.
We are musicians but not necessarily business persons.
We are still figuring out how we can make a plan and release this “Best Of” album in a proper form.

We are not taking this lightly, because Best Album is once in a lifetime thing.
With this “Best Album” we are trying to make a bold statement as much as possible.


We have already chosen the songs. (Some are based on the comments you made on our social posts) 😉

The artwork is mostly done.


But how are we gonna sell it?

How are we gonna let everyone know about the release?

Can we get some attention in the music industry?

How are we gonna promote it to Japanese people? (Christians and Non-Christian people)

Should we make CDs? (Does anyone still want a CD? Can we ship worldwide under this COVID-19 restriction?)

Should we remaster the songs? (Making improvement on already finished products is not an easy thing.)


These issues we are still trying to figure out.

At first I was thinking “Okay we can release it sometime in the 2nd half of this year”, but now I’m not confident about that.
(However, instead, we are thinking about releasing something different for 2020.)


As you know, we have finished making some super awesome album called “Nabeshima” (title subject to change) earlier this year. Releasing “Nabeshima” is our current and biggest goal.

But we have so much work to do before we can finally release it.

This Best Album thing is a part of that work.
Please bear with us and help us with some encouraging words.
(and if you know it, we are releasing new music every month on our Patreon)

Thank you very much for your support.

Blessing to you.
Tak “Tone” Nakamine / Imari Tones (Japan)



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