Duo Style shows announcement


We start “Duo Style” live shows!

After Shinryu left the band last year October, we have been praying and thinking.
But we realized that we were more interested in / excited for the new style we can explore as a duo, than looking for a new drummer.

We will play our Japanese songs again. Those “Classic Imari” songs we wrote before we became a Christian band. We are sure we can connect with the Japanese audience much better.
We don’t necessarily stick to “heavy metal”. We will play broader, diverse music styles again. Because that was the original Imari Tones’ spirit when we made “Kodomo Metal” and “Hero of the Light” back in those days.

I think now we are – J-pop, J-rock, hard rock, alternative, indie rock, garage rock, post punk, new wave, math rock, prog rock, 80’s metal, but in the end, an old school metal band.

Of course, we are going to do it with Christian message.
But we are willing to break the mold.
Because we are a local band from Japan.
We are proud to be different😉

We will find a new drummer when the time is right. (Let me know if you know a good drummer!)
But this is our chance to try new things.
We hope you will enjoy it!

[Japan local shows – details below – in Japanese]

We will play streaming live shows. Stay tuned!



「おもちゃ箱をひっくり返したような」本来のImari Tonesの音楽性を表現する、型にはまらないステージ。
始まります! (マイペースだけど)

御園バプテスト教会 (小田急相模原)
Open 17:30 Start 18:00

麻生キリスト教会 (小田急線百合ヶ丘)
Ko and Saori 企画 「よりそい2025」
Open 15:30 Start 16:00 予定
入場無料 (チャリティー企画有り)

京都 夜想
共演: Hershey’s、The Lula

Stay tuned!!



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