It’s funny we are busy updating social media pages and this website looks like a recap of our social media posts.
But here we want to update.
This is something we posted last month, on February 15th.
Hope you all have/had a happy Valentine’s Day!
We had a meeting with Shinryu and we did a CD autograph session. We also celebrated the release of the new album on which we worked together.
(Like we said, we are still friends even though Shinryu left the band last year October.)
It’s been a while since the 3 of us (Tak, Marie, and Shinryu) got together. But we’ve been sending messages and communicating online.
As you see, we autographed some more CDs today. If you want a copy, please visit our Bandcamp! (Shipping directly from Japan🇯🇵)
We are amazed at the very good response to our new album “Coming Back Alive”!! This album contains so many fun and happy songs!
We made 5 music videos and we are going to make more. So far “Love Resurrection” seems the most popular?
We noticed people like “Open The Door”, a very fun and encouraging song!
We are having more listeners on Spotify since the album release. Please check it out and support us on all the platforms😆
We had a very good time chatting and updating.
Shinryu is now mainly drumming for B.D.badge, a Japanese Christian rock pioneer, which makes us happy because we have a huge respect for them. (B.D.badge had a debut as a regular funk rock band in 1978, but they were known as a Christian rock band called “Eikogo” (栄光号) in 1990’s-2000’s and very active in Japanese Gospel music scene.)
Thank you very much for your support!
And thank you Jesus for all the blessings!