“Shito Shinjo” (使徒信条)

Just a little update.
It’s just a little song in Japanese.
Just uploaded a song called “Shito Shinjo”(使徒信条), which means Apostles’ Creed in Japanese.
Yes just like “Creed” song by Third Day and Petra. Not sure if any Japanese band did this before but I wanted to do in in Japanese.

It’s been a while since we did a song written in Japanese language.
It’s just a simple bonus track type song, easy production with programmed drum track, but hope this can reach Japanese people.


アメリカあたりのクリスチャンのバンドがやっている、「使徒信条」(Apostles’ Creed)をそのまま曲にする、というのを日本語でやってみた曲です。簡単でシンプルなオマケトラックですが。

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